/* Скрипт репутации для mybb, часть 1 */

Hitchhiker's guide

Вас приветствует Moonrisekingdom - форум для тех, кто любит научную и не очень фантастику.

Мы играем космооперу про звездных пиратов, исследователей дальних границ галактики, первопроходцев таинственных планет, подковерные политические интриги, бунтующих участников сопротивления и всякие другие забавные вещи.

У нас умеренная авторская матчасть с возможностью ее пополнять ин-риал-тайм, эпизоды, рейтинг NC-17 и запрет на подсчет строк в постах.

Мы будем рады всем, кто готов разделить с нами любовь к звездным туманностям.
Хорошей игры и удачи!

Big Brother's Choice

Истерн Хастлер – популярная сеть космических фаст-фудов, располагающихся на орбитах населенных небесных тел, а так же вблизи драйвер-портов. Данная сеть прославилась тремя вещами. Во-первых, своим меню под грифом P, в котором находятся одни из самых острых блюд в галактике. Эти блюда настолько острые, что могут обжечь язык, пищевод, легко спровоцировать язву желудка, а проходя дальше по пищеварительной цепи еще и успевают оставить ожоги на стенках кишечника. Выведение подобных продуктов из организма так же доставляет людям определенный дискомфорт. Считается, что это меню создано для людей, которые в космических условиях страдают притуплением вкусовых ощущений...

— Имке Саваж

Who Is Who

На данный момент в игре 59 персонажей:
34 мужских и 25 женских.

Социальные группы:

Работники корпораций: 14
Преступники: 23
Фрилансеры: 15
Колонисты: 6
Антиглобалисты: 3

Возрастные категории:

Младше 16: 1
16-25: 8
26-35: 29
36-45: 12
Старше 46: 9

Space Tribute

• ВОЗ заявляет о большом количестве людей, симулирующих у себя наличие сетевой зависимости и предупреждает о том, что повальная симуляция может стать большой проблемой уже в следующем году, когда войдет в силу закон, согласно которому люди, страдающие этим расстройством, признаются недееспособными и могут претендовать на социальные выплаты.

• Едва унеся ноги с Детройта-3, наш корреспондент получил тревожный сигнал из системы Краз. Читайте в выпуске: "Нет более верного друга, чем кофемолка с ИИ".

[ читать подробнее ]

Resident Evil Generations. Форумная ролевая игра в жанре survival horror
Doctor Who: Don't Panic
Pocket madness
Blind Spot


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Вы здесь » test » Прихожая » Smile


Сообщений 1 страница 8 из 8


The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567



The world's most hyper  token, building an ecosystem of important utility products, to power projects on the BSC network.
The goal of Smile is to reduce the circulating supply from 50.000.000 tokens to just 1 token, where holders will hold only fractions. The main feature to power this will be our revolutionary future planned burn mechanism, where for every transaction buy or sell, an equal number of tokens is automatically sent to the dead wallet by the the dex. There will also be burns which will be funded by revenue from our utility products. This will ensure an ever rising token price due to the rapid reduction of circulating supply.

Join us and lets grow together

Telegram: @rainbow1234567


Вы здесь » test » Прихожая » Smile